See this sweet man? This is my husband, Aj. He is so much more than just an amazing husband. He is my best friend and, at times, my sanity. There's only one problem. There seems to be no place in our society for men like him.
Why is it, that, every time I tell someone Aj is seven years younger than me they respond with ridiculous remarks that make me glad I am not married to whoever they are married to. It's usually women. Here are some examples:
"You can raise him up right, then."
"Well, at least you can train him right."
Then there are always the woman who make really sexist comments. Like the lady behind me in line at the Cork & Bean. I had ordered and asked Aj for his debit card, to which she replied, "At least he's good for something....." Listen here lady, I don't know who you're married to, but my husband is good for WAY more than just his wallet. Have we, as ladies, become so "independently feminine" that we've forgotten how to be loved and cared for? This woman probably went home and ruined her husband good day, if she's got one.
Ok ladies, I don't know who you all married but was it for the right reasons? Was it because he loved you? Was it because he cared? Or was it because you finally found a nice guy you can dominate, nag at, and use to your advantage?
So many times men take the fall as the sexist, prejudice, bad guy..............when most of the time it's us being the manipulators. Stop using the batting of lashes to get stuff done. Guilt trips are not a resource.
At our house, I am the one throwing my underwear on the floor and letting the dishes pile up in the sink. In my defense, I am good at other things. I cook well and don't leave messes in the bathroom sink. But I am only half a person without my Aj. We are an amazing team. Equally.
Alex Ronald Nance, Jr |