Thursday, January 23, 2014

Church as a Marriage

AJ and I have been married for almost five years. It is a beautiful thing. However, like any relationship, there can be tense moments. Living with someone means sharing in their accomplishments as well as their let downs. We are total opposites, but saw that as a positive. So we do not always see eye to eye, but that's ok, agreeing on everything wasn't part of our wedding vows. A quote I saw recently really hit the nail on the head, "There is no such thing as a perfect marriage, just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other." We brought fresh perspectives. He loved me and my talkative, quirky personality. I loved him and his deep thinking, analytical mind. That being said, no matter how awesome or terrible things ever get, we work together. Everyday we continue to learn and grow together. 

Now let me bring this around to church. We have been attending The Grove Church since 2008. This is my first time being a part of a church family. It really is important to be connected and I'm glad this is where I fit in. Church is a relationship, just like my marriage. Some days are perfect. I feel total happiness and amazing love. Some days are hard mornings to do after a rough week at work. Like a marriage, I can't show up every Sunday expecting to be served. Regardless of were I am, I have to show up ready and willing to serve. Just like my relationship with Aj, I have to be open to sharing my heart and willing to allow others to share theirs. Sometimes I will have to compromise. I have to be fully there for the bad days as well as the good ones. We, as a congregation, have to struggle and mourn together just as we celebrate and love together in order to learn and grow together as a community in Christ.

So here is a building that on Sunday morning has about 150 people in attendance. Chances are there are going to be at least a couple who will think I am strange. Chances are someone I've had a falling out with will show up. Chances are some of us won't always see eye to eye. Chances are I may not agree with everything said or thought by every person. So what now? Do I wonder if I'm in the right place? Do I start looking for another church? This happens so often. Someone comes to church. They feel comfortable in their seat there. Sunday mornings are happy for them. Then the newness starts to wear off. The smile gets harder to fake, so they leave. Once I told AJ, "what am I going to do? Leave you and go find another man to argue with?" That is the reality of it. We can't run off at the first sign of discord. We may find the newness again, but it will wear off again.. . . .and again. . . .and again. This keep us from ever actually getting plugged in anywhere. This keeps us from growing. This keeps us from finding the joy that God has for us. To live in God's joy doesn't mean we are going to be happy go lucky everyday. Living in God's joy means that we will approach life and its many relationships with a different attitude. We can use our differences as a chance to learn. We can use our discomfort as a chance to grow. When all you know how to do is run away, you are not only cheating yourself, but the entire church out of a chance to work on becoming the disciples that God wants us to be.

"..count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."   James 1:2-4

1 comment:

  1. Well said & so very true. People give up on things so easily when things get tough.
