Thursday, May 16, 2013

Celebrating the Birth of a Hippie

I won't go into too much detail about the event or the location. I enjoy hiding out there and don't want to totally ruin it. Those who have known us awhile may have noticed that we disappear for the day and at least one night every May 15th. There is no regard for the day of week the 15th of May falls on. Work or not, it is time to stop everything, relax and share in celebrating life. The birth of a hippie is celebrated with friends, food, music and laughter, but most of all love and rest for the weary. No need to bring a gift. Just your tent and your beverage of choice.

We  arrive Wednesday around lunch. The first step is to set up camp. That's the easy part, plenty of shady, private spots and the tent is a cinch. Here are a few shots of our campsite.

These shots are looking out from our campsite. The wisteria smelled so sweet!

The second step is the hardest. Step two is relaxing. I know, we're hippies, this shouldn't be hard. Life gets us all wound up and even hippies feel the stress of everyday life. That's one reason this day is important. A day we will be fed, loved on and allowed time to disconnect. This is where caterpillars become butterflies. Brothers and sisters meet siblings they never knew they had. Summer lagers and ales with sweetened west india lime juice fuel conversations and comfortable silences.

There is one task that weaves it's way in and out of our peaceful day without causing worry or stress, that task is cooking. What a pleasure to be fed meat by a man, a birthday boy, that loves cooking meat! We really couldn't have picked a better day to cook out.


The night continued on long after the food was gone. Things got quiet when everyone was full. Music rolled down from the porch. Bill on his resonator guitar. Such a sweet sound. The property there is beautiful. A small valley. I took several walks alone while there. Mostly for peace, sometimes for photos.

About 25 folks turned out to share in the fun. Good times were had by all. I'd like to end this post with a picture I took of two signs on the outside of our hippie's house. These two signs really sum him up!

Thanks, Tony! Happy 65th! Let's do it again!

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