Friday, January 18, 2013

Catch as Catchers Can

Before the year starts slipping away quickly as it will, let me fill you in on what's been going on. Very productive couple of weeks and still had time for maxin' and relaxin' at home. It's gonna be a good year, I can see it.

We've been hanging out with some pretty cool kids! Lots of fun and it does the heart good to see kids laugh. Not to mention the awesome things that kids say. So real. So fresh. So cool!


Here's some of the maxin' and relaxin' mentioned above. And yes, the sea salted popcorn was great with that red wine. Aj Zelda'd out for several hours one night, it was funny to see. The Avengers was a highlight for me.


Got to hang out with our good friend Shua a little. He is currently working on the gourd banjo on the left for a friend. The one on the right is for us. How cool to have someone build you an instrument! Shua showed me how to do the carving and let me put my own artwork on it. Not bad for my first go, must of had a good teacher.


On a more musical note, Aj and I have been working on a lot of cool things this year. We can't wait to share them with you all. 

Hope you are finding peace in your new year. Be good managers of your time. Create. Love. 
Thank you for reading.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

free association writing

echoes the halls with stories of old
modern as they may seem
"young for their time" they'll say

the guy in the back is always gonna speak up
when it's most inconvenient for everyone else in the room

like squawking birds, brass instruments blow notes
poor imitations of jazz greats

they take it back down to the east side
on a cooler day with warmer nights
streetlights just starting to hum
along with the sounds of an uptown city scape
brick met by glass and steel
buildings with old and new designs
industry meets nature meets government housing

sounds at night coming at me from 3 sides
a road, a driveway, more driveways
a cat paws at the door to escape a beater
a sedan, a family size beater
sometimes it's a dog
i'm not a dog person

Friday, January 4, 2013

a day's worth of questions

why is our country going to war for private banks?

do we care that they don't care about us?

why is it so weird to talk to people about jesus?

when are the reality checks going to be mailed out?

am i using my gifts to their full potential?

am i using my gifts for the common good?

how can we be a healing community?

are we exchanging community for friendships?

is this message just white noise?

what's next?

 once i was told there are no stupid question, only stupid answers. once i was told there are no wrong questions, only questions unasked. now the answer to the answer to those questions, "look it up". apparently, now there are no real answers, only posted opinions.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

very, very short story #1

he left a cigarette burning away in a handmade clay ashtray.

the sun shone brightly, almost whiting out the leaflet pages of the days journal entry. sun warms, breeze cools. socks and sandals. long sleeves and holes in the knees of my jeans. the crotch was patched up by little juanita. always the first spot to go. busting at the seems of my jeans and of life.

the cigarette burns on. its owner, inside, has forgotten about it and i'm left to endure its harmful fumes.

time to move.